Being a mom is pretty much the highlight of my life. I loved being pregnant more than anything and felt so happy and content with life. Honestly it was the first time in my life that I really loved myself, and I have the most perfect little guy to thank for that. As cheesy as it sounds, he is everything to me! This first year as a mom has been so hard and so amazing all in one, Im sure every mom feels this way. As mothers day is almost here, the best mom advice I have to share is to think of everyday as your last. I had the scariest experience with Van in the hospital for 8 days and it really makes you appreciate life as a momma. I cherish every second with him, even though some days are harder than others. I also had a friend lose her little boy this year and it hit me so hard. So each day I wake up and squeeze Van just a little more, feeling so thankful I have him. And his face is just too much goodness!!

I wanted to share just a little mom mushiness before I share some fun ideas for Mothers Day! 🙂 Here are some of my favorite things that I know you will love, and I hope you use some ideas! If your anything like me, you’ve waited until the last minute. Hope these are helpful and you love them as much as I do! Hope your all having a great week!