Hi mommas and mommas to be!
I wanted to share some of my “mom advice” I have learned and loved since having Van. I also wanted to just rant a little about life as a mom. I wanted to first share about my love for Honest diapers since I had posted about it a while ago and said I wanted to share my favorite products. First of all the diapers are the cutest things ever. They are always changing prints, and i just love how cute Van’s bum looks in them when hes running around the house!

I love that I can change sizes whenever I want, and send back one or two packs if a size isnt working anymore. I love the great big box that shows up at my house so I never have to run out for diapers. They send you four packs of wipes with every box and its more than enough! I have a whole drawer full which is nice that I wont ever run out. They have the most amazing customer service, think Nordstroms style, and they will fix anything that isnt working for you! Thats pretty huge for me!
They also have a bundle you can get for their bath and body products and my favorites are the Body wash, the bubbles, and the dish soap. I love them so much and will continue to use them. Van had eczema from using Burts bees products and after using Honest I would never go back to the other brands. I have used the laundry soap and the dryer sheets and love them, but I must say they dont get stains out all that great. So give them a try and see what you think, I linked them all below so you can try them before you commit to the bundles on the Honest site.
On another note, I cant believe my baby is already so big and talking up a storm. I’m pretty sure I have the most amazing pediatrician and the things I have learned from him are invaluable. From the first time I met him he has insisted that we keep books everywhere around the house and read to Van every chance we get. We have done that and I believe its setting Van up to be smarter and happier. Van loves books and since we read them over and over I wanted to share some of the cutest books that we read everyday!

Everyday I thank my lucky stars for this little guy, he has made my life complete and even though this past year has been rough on my marriage, we are all coming out better on the other side. I know all you moms out there can relate to the changes that happen in your marriage and life and trying to figure out how you all fit together again can take its toll. We are trying our best to make choices that benefit Van, like feeding him a Vegan diet, saving processed sugar for later in his life or NEVER 😉 not watching tv, and loving on him every chance we get! Please let me know if you’d like to hear more about his diet and what I feed him and I will share that in a later post.
We may not make the perfect choice for everyone but its great for us and Van is doing so amazing! Thanks for letting me share some of my life with you guys! Have a great night!