Ulta 21 Days of Beauty Sale Lips Love

Happy Weekend lovelies!

I hope your all having a great weekend, I am loving this fall weather and feeling like staying home and getting organized, which is different for me, I love to get out of the house as soon as we get up!  Isn’t fall the best time of year?!  I just love cute jackets and scarves, the holidays are starting, and I live for late afternoon walks with coffee and my little crew!

I also LOVE fall makeup!  I seriously could spend hours in Ulta trying on all the fun lip colors and anything else I can put on my face.  Haha.  Its so funny because I try so much on and somehow I always leave with some pretty shade of mauvey pink! <—– Not a word, I’m sure!

So I have to share my all time favorite lip color, Velvet Teddy by Mac, its so gorgeous on every skin tone, whether your pale or tan, light or dark, it works and is so gorgeous!  I was so happy to see it as one of the sale items during the Ulta 21 Days of Beauty Sale.  Its a must have in your makeup bag and its such a pretty color for Fall.  Velvet Teddy and Russian Red by Mac will be on sale on the 20th of September and I will be sure to remind you on that day!  They are both stunning colors and worth getting both!

I hope this helps you guys see how pretty Velvet Teddy is and how perfect it is to wear for fall. And if you want to snag a few more of these amazing sale products, THE BEST under eye corrector is on sale today, the 17th!   I also wanted to let you know that my favorite mascara will be on sale on the 22nd as well as my favorite way to make my skin glow HERE on sale the 22nd too!

I seriously couldnt live without these and please let me know if you guys have any questions about any of these products!  Go check out the full list of my Ulta 21 Days of beauty Sale on my board HERE!

Have a fabulous Sunday,
