Hi my lovely friends!
I hope your all having a great week! Its been a rough week here, moving, leaving my family behind, and finding out my little grams is passing. I have so many amazing memories of growing up spending time with her. I wont get to into it, but I wanted to share a little realness with you guys. Life seems so great from the photos we post on Instagram, but there is a whole lot of real life going on behind the scenes. We are getting settled back into our life here in California and I cant wait to share the cutest little spot we are staying until our renters move out!
On another note, lets get more positive here and I will share this gorgeous little mini with you guys. I know summer seems to be winding down but there is still good summer sun left! Here in Southern California, the summer seems to go on forever so this one will last me a while. The ties on the back of this one just make it the perfect fit!

Here are a few more of my favorite striped dresses, they will be perfect to throw a jacket over for fall! I swear a good stripe never goes out of style, and there are so many options out there right now. I hope you all have a fabulous week!