After what feels like a winter that would never end, I’m so ready for some spring and summer traveling! Over the last 15 years, Kev and I (and now with Van) have been traveling quite a bit, and over that time, I have picked up a few tricks that will not only save you time, but will make you better and more comfortable, crazy right?!?!
Numb Toes on your night out, NOPE!

I can’t even count how many times I became obsessed with a pair of heels, eventually buying them and then proceeding to store them away for 6 months before actually wearing them, LOL. I mean how often am I going to be wearing stilettos, right?
The absolute best and easiest way to keep your stored away heels more comfortable than they ever were originally…. is where this little heel stretcher Forme Comfort comes into play! Frome is a little device you put into your shoes and heels that can actually stretch them out up to a half size! SO AMAZING!

That means that all those nights you suffered with numb toes from the minute you put your heels on until the second you were able to ditch them (most likely on the dance floor if your like me, haha) should have never happened! Its not too late though, seriously get some of these and put them on the heels you plan to wear on your night out when your packing. Your toes will be thanking you after a long day of adventure, when you can actually wear your heels all night! I am obsessed!!

Waist Trainer
Number two is too easy! Wear one of these waist trainers, like always (well not really), but seriously why not? They require almost no effort and really do shape your midsection to enhance the areas you want enhanced, and to slim the areas you don’t!

The perfect time to get in some extra hours of waist training is while you are on the road, or sitting on an airplane. You might as well make use of this time when you are not able to move. I have been doing this for years when we travel. Unless you are going to throw a bathing suit on the second you arrive (tends to make your stomach skin look a little saggy for about an hour after you remove it, lol), wear this and never look back! YOU WILL NOTICE A HUGE DIFFERENCE right away!!
Im sharing my favorite two here…
Keep Those Layered Necklaces Untangled

There is most likely a 100% chance that if you wear your share of pretty layered necklaces, you have spent entirely too much time trying to undo the knots they almost always create the second they touch each other. Its like they instantly want to wrap up when you are holding them, then the minute you want to put them on, they start knotting around each other, and you can just see the minutes from your day going down the drain untangling the knot from hell, haha!

Easiest and cheapest travel fashion hack that will most definitely save you time when you most need it, put one end of each necklace through a plastic straw, duh right! We always have a large pack of straws around the house, and normally have the bendable ones, which help when you are traveling with that tiny first layered piece! Couldn’t be an easier and cheaper travel fashion hack than this one!
I hope you girls loved these ideas and give them a try! I have so many fun trips planned ahead and will be using them all! Please share your favorite hacks too! I love hearing from you girls!