Happy Nordys sale friends! I know usually this day is such an exciting event. Back to school, work, and the end of summer but this year looks a little different for so many. I wanted to put together some of my favorite pieces from the sale for you girls that are still shopping the sale. I know a lot of us will just be picking one or two things we need or want and that will be good. So I made sure to pick only things I really loved for you guys.

I definitely think we have all become active wear lovers while lounging and working from home. Being full time moms, full time teachers to our kids, and staying positive in this ever changing world, means throwing on our favorite cozy looks everyday to get the jobs done. I hope you guys love these picks. I will be grabbing a pair of those white adidas since I live in white sneakers and I already have the black pair and love them. Also my love for Alo Yoga runs deep so I will be getting the green leggings, perfect for fall.