I have spent so many years trying to find the right diet and workout routine. One that would make me feel better, energize my day and keep my body fit. I have always worked out really hard but have never seen the results that I have been getting lately. Here are a few changes that have made all the difference!
I grew up eating junk, bad food, and lots and lots of sugar. We had a candy drawer that was fully stocked at all times with Snickers, KitKats, and Swedish Fish. My mom was also an insane baker so we had fresh cookies, and cake on hand always. Needless to say I was swollen in all the wrong places. I was so unhappy growing up, and I believe so much of that was what I was putting in my body.
I wish I had known then what I know now. Haha. I no longer eat those kinds of foods, I dont keep candy in my house, we dont bake all that often and we love fresh food more than anything else. I use to eat to feed that sugar craving and felt so miserable. Now I eat to fuel my body, give my skin that natural glow and so I can live healthy forever!

DIGESTION & DETOX: By feeding my body fresh, organic, REAL food, I am able to keep my digestion moving. That has been a big part of keeping my stomach flat and eliminating the toxins from my body! Fresh food is full of fiber and vitamins and your body processes it so much faster! You wont be holding onto junk that inflames and swells your body.
I love smoothies for lunch in the middle of the day. It keeps me full and energized, my waist stays slim, and there is no crash from a heavy meat and diary filled lunch. One of my favorite smoothie add ins is the Metabolism from Sakara Life. Its ultra detoxing, eliminates excess water and waste from your bowels.
I truly believe in eliminating excess waist which is why i have been doing coffee enemas for many years. Its the best ways to flush out old built up waste and stimulate your liver. Stimulating the liver helps to produce more bile, the bodily fluid that plays a role in the digestion of fats and the elimination of toxins in the body. Its so great for your skin too!!

By eliminating that junk in your body, you will see and feel the difference in your waist. You will feel lighter and more energized to get that booty in gear! Which leads me to my workouts.
WAIST SLIMMING WORKOUTS: Training my waist is also a big part of keeping things tight and flat. My two favorite workouts are bicycle crunches and side crunches. Any kind of twisting ab workout is so great to snatch your waist! I also love a good waist trainer. This one is so controversial. Everytime I post about my waist trainer, someone says how wrong it is. I have been using a trainer since I had Van 5 years ago. I dont use it everyday but at least once a week for a few hours. I love it and have showed you girls this one HERE many times.
INTERMITTENT FASTING: Last and final tip is to cut back on eating. We have been so programmed to eat every few hours, or 4-5 meals a day. They say the only way to keep your metabolism going is to keep eating. That is the exact opposite of how i feel. During the week I try to only eat from 12 to 8pm for a 16 hour fast. That is when I feel the best. Fasting is so great to give your body a chance to heal and boost your metabolism. I wont go too much into it but you can read up on fasting and the benefits HERE!
I hope that you girls get some good ideas here and give them a try! I will be going into my everyday eating in my next post! Have the best day and dont forget to get out and VOTE!!