So, I have never really sat down and told the story of what brought me to BLOG, crazy right!! I am a full-time momma and working full-time on my IG, so finding extra time to blog seems few and far between! I wanted to really dedicate at least one post a week to writing on here though, selfishly to help clear my mind, but secondly, maybe my life may resonate with some of you! You girls all ask me about my personal life, my moves from Utah and California, my health, and everything in between. So I am going to start opening up more about my story, so we can bond and you guys can share your struggles and wins with me as well!
I know certain times of the year we can get in Spring-cleaning mode, and I actually feel that way about my mind and body throughout most of the year. I spend a good amount of time detoxing, and working out, but I back peddle inside as I stock up all the hurt and struggle I have been through. I wanted to start with you girls at the beginning of my blog. Why I started this in the first place. So… here goes nothing! I started my blog after my stroke a few years ago… ghaaa YES, I had a stroke!
I had a stroke when I was 29 (2009), which rocked my world. I had a bleed in the lower portion of my brain, which is where your balance is regulated. I was in ICU for a week and lost my ability to do the things you do without thinking. I couldn’t stand up by myself without falling over. I couldn’t turn my head one way or the other. If I did, it would throw off my equilibrium and send me into a spinning tunnel of doom, AWWWW. It’s a feeling I get every now and then if I work out too hard or get dehydrated and still haunts me to this day. It’s the scariest feeling ever. I had to re-learn to walk, lay down flat in bed without the room spinning, shower alone, and everything else I could do since I was about 2 years old. I sat on my couch staring at the wall for more than 3 months straight. I cried everyday, prayed for my health, and begged God for another chance to be me. I prayed to Him, I would be grateful and thankful for the partner I had, the life I was given and the people I loved. I told myself every night as I attempted to quiet the rocking boat in order to stop projectile vomiting, that my body would heal itself and I would find my way back to the person I once was. Well… I did heal and although it was slow, I made my way back to me.
It was such a battle, I remember like it was yesterday. My husband was my rock, he did everything. He was my care taker, our maid, our cook, my taxi driver to therapy, the millions of doctor appointments I had, and everything in between. He never complained and never asked for anything from me. He sat by my side on the couch and did flash cards day after day helping me train my eyes to stay steady again. I owe him everything. He is an incredible man.
I definitely have deep scars on my heart from the experience and when I talk about it or think about it, I still cry. I am thankful now that I am okay; I got to have a baby, and have a beautiful life here by the beach.
I have grown so much from this experience and it had made me the person I am today. I live for the ocean, salty air, life by the beach and being the best mom I can be. I love styling clothes, creating beautiful images and finding ways to improve my health and skin through plant based food and supplements. Hot yoga has become my peace in life and I am always trying to find that happy settled feeling I so desire. I love that I can share my lifestyle with you and that I see the growing numbers of you asking more questions about healthy living. I love connecting with you girls as much as I can and am so thankful for this community that gives me chance to inspire as my job!
I hope you girls love and stick around here as I share more of what you ask for! Love Love you guys!
XX, Jenn

Wow I had no idea you had a stroke I’m so glad you’re OK! It’s crazy the people we see on Instagram just seem like everything is perfect but everybody has their hardships thank you for sharing yours and being so beautiful inside and out! Xx
Jenn I had no idea of your struggle… thank you so much for sharing !!! I’m not on Insta a lot but you’ve always been a a fave! I’m a bit older but your style is still my style Carefree Natural Healthy Beauty. I am plant-based as well and my fashion sense is like yours so I always enjoy your take on Style ! I sense your deep faith and your genuine sweetness and kindness in all of your posts… God bless you and your family …xoxo
I’m so sorry you had to endure all that pain and suffering. Through that struggle you were able to reach up to God and for strength to continue on. I’m happy that you found someone who is your rock and helped you get through it all. I’ve experienced bad depression in my mid 20s where I didn’t want to leave my bed. Thankfully I reached out to counselling and that helped me get through a lot of my anxiety and depression. I’ve learned that if the things in in life are not going my way that I need to give up that control and to go along with the flow. It’s still an inner battle that I face and I am still learning how to let go of certain things. Your sweetness shows in everything and I’m so happy to be a part of your journey!! xoxo